Since its inception in 2003 BVL has managed to grow itself to become a major distributor of Safety Belts/Seat belts in New Zealand. BVL makes its seat belts available through all branches of Auto Stop, retailers of Automotive Supplies Ltd. Auto One franchises, and some branches of BNT. Look for a retailer near you.

There have been some noticeable changes in the industry after the frontal impact legislation. This made it compulsory to have airbags for the front seats (SRS). Thus came the entry of unsafe seat belts through vehicle dismantlers at prices lower than the new Seat Belt . This of course is a concern for public safety.

On the other hand prices of some established brand seatbelts are so prohibitive and the customers did not have much choice.

Sensing the changes BVL introduced to the market in New Zealand and Australia, safety belts/ seat belts which both meet the standards set by authorities and are quite affordable. 

BVL  has seat belts/safety belts which meet European Standards-# ECE R16. These are a set of standards approved by the United Nations and adopted by the New Zealand Transport Agency as well as the Road Transport Authority (RTA) of Australia. 

BVL has embarked on expanding its product portfolio. BVL is looking into other niches in addition to Seat Belts in the market to provide Quality Products at an Affordable Price, which is our motto.